Finalcad is an Associate Sponsor with the Metro LatAm conference, held on May 3-5, 2017 in Lima, Peru. German Elera, LATAM Partner on behalf of Finalcad will give a talk about the digital transformation in the infrastructure industry, with a focus on the railway sector.
About Metro Latam conference
About Germain Elera and Finalcad

German Elera is a civil engineer with more than ten years of experience in the railway sector. An engineering graduate from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Strasbourg, France and Universidad de Piura in Peru. He also has a specialisation in Management of Construction Companies. During his career he has worked on major infrastructure projects for companies including VINCI, Bouygues, EGIS Rail and RATP working on Metro Grand Paris, Paris Metro, the High Speed Lines from Tours-Bourdeaux and Rhin-Rhône amongst others.
In 2016, Finalcad announced its expansion to the infrastructure industry, bringing digital transformation to major projects in railway, road, mining and civil engineering. Finalcad is trusted by leading players like BISA, Eiffage Infrastructures, OHL, and RATP for its Paris Metro Line 4 modernisation project.