What’s new in Finalcad Apps?
Visibility rights
You are used to applying visibility restrictions between groups of users when it comes to defects.
Today, when you apply visibility restrictions for defects, it will also be applied for your forms and tasks.
Tips: to manage visibility right, please go to the groups menu from manager.finalcad.com
Advanced filters multi selection
Filters have many usages whether it is for simplifying navigation through your sectors and zones or it is for editing your mobile exports.
Now, filter selection becomes more powerful and fully customisable. You can select several criteria in one or several filters at the same time.
For instance, you could want to see plumbing and electricity defects on zone 1 and zone 2.
Smart storage
As we all have a lot of apps on our mobiles, storage is becoming a real thing.
Within Finalcad Live Mobile, you can choose how long you would like to keep the data of your events on your mobile.
After having chosen the right period of time, your events’ data such as photos, attached documents, will be kept only in the data center.
You’ll save a lot of space.
Important: if you change your mind afterwards, you will be able to consult your events’ data again on your mobile.
And other cool improvements
You know it, we are always trying to improve your experience when using your apps. To reach your expectations, we also worked on some other features:
1- Finalcad Live is compatible with iOS dark mode
2- Download projects becomes easier
3- Saving your Finalcad’s photos on your device is now possible
4- Setting icon in Finalcad Live has changed (at the top left corner)